Sunday, November 2, 2014

Puneri people :(

Location: Some random road, Pune.
Time: Noon

My friend was crossing the road some autowala comes and dashes her down, she fell down and was wounded. Whose fault it was that is irrelevant, or a latter part. The most obvious thing that that autowala should have done is go and help her or see if she's hurt. Instead he started abusing her "can't you see where you are going" etc. etc.
(Maybe he was just playing a role of Punekar). Some other girl was going on the same road. She stopped her bike. Came and helped my friend to stand and asked her whether she is okay (obviously she wasn't from Pune).

If this would have happen in my city, there would have been at least 10-20 people for help, asking whether she is okay, autowala himself would have brought that person to hospital. And I am not kidding; I have witnessed such accidents where people have helped injured ones, leaving their work. 

When I came in Pune. I had tweeted this
And it is really true. And I kept getting such kind of experience whenever you go to shop or anywhere else. I'm not saying all Punekars are like this (but sadly many are :/). There are exceptions too. You always find some people who are like that in every village, every city. (If you don't, just go to any government office :P). But still getting good experience from Punekars in Pune is really hard.

We all are proud of Puneri Patya but that kind of behaviour is acceptable up to certain level. All people with Punekari (not necessarily be from Pune) attitude should get this thing in your mind other people are equally important as you are; try to be little bit courteous, it doesn't hurt at all.

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